The action of investing time and money to achieve healthy glowing and supple skin in the future. Our skin is the first thing we see in the morning. We wish to have healthy, glowing and beautiful skin.

Without a doubt, SKINVESTMENT is essential!

At Betty’s Skincare, we create handmade natural products. The product range includes skincare, haircare, eye care, body care, and baby care.

Why do we choose natural skincare?

❖ Healthy for the skin
❖ Safe for the environment
❖ Harmless for the animals

There is nothing more than these three perspectives that we rely upon and believe in! Our Mother Earth has given us a number of things. Following natural practices adds to the beauty and divinity of the earth.

Happiness is a habit and so is your SKINCARE

How did Betty Nangia come into Naturals?

Here is the answer!

Like any other common person, Betty faced disc problems which continued till 9 years. After several kinds of medication, in vain, she found no cure. The results were skin damage, weak eyesight, hair thinning, grey hair, and added stress. Even visiting salons did not help! Being an electro path herself, she started consuming electropathy (an Italian medical science) medications. But, the same only delayed the attacks, did not cure them.

Tired of pimples at 40, she began studying Indian herbs. Soon after taking a dip into the ocean of natural herbs, she knew swimming in this ocean is all that she needs now. After creating handmade natural products and using them, within six months, she experienced clearance of skin.

Betty always knew, “God helps those, who help themselves”. Well, this is how our beauty consultant helped herself and is helping a huge number of people out there.

Betty thinks we are born beautiful, just need to maintain it with the right care!


How Do We Work?

No human body is similar. Every individual’s body requires personalized natural skin care and special attention. Before offering the same, we make sure to get in touch with you, as communication brings clarity. You can share about your skin and hair issues accompanied with some generic questions in the ‘Talk it out session’. Our goal is to provide you with the right products and regimens to correct your skin and hair problems.

We believe in letting our clients make independent choices like:

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Rs. 2000 with beauty, hair, and diet counseling on one to one video session

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Your skin is a great indicator of what is going on inside your body – Sami Blackford

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